Get Involved FAQs

Q: Where can I send media inquiries?

A: Please contact 

Q: How can I sponsor Lightning Bug Music Festival?

A: Please fill out the sponsorship form here:  

Q: How can I apply to sell food and other goods at the festival?

A: Please fill out the vendor form here:  

Q: How can I apply to showcase my artwork at Lightning Bug Music Festival?

A: Applications are closed for the 2022 festival. Please email with inquiries for next year..

Q: How do I apply to volunteer at Lightning Bug Music Festival?

A: Please go to to fill out an application form. Please note that a refundable $100 deposit will be required to reserve your position. Once your shifts are completed, you will be refunded the full amount. Thanks again for your interest in being a volunteer; it takes a village to create a special experience like this!

Contact us with any questions.